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Airbus A319/A320/A321 (IAE V2500) B1 Type

Electrical, Airframe & Powerplant Systems – ATA Spec 104, Level 3
Avionic Systems – ATA Spec 104, Level 2


24 Days

Target Group
Part-66 Category B1 Engineers or other Maintenance staff

English. Student must have the ability to read, write and communicate at a functional level in the English language

Course Location
FlightPath International Training Centre in Toronto, Canada or at customer site

This EASA approved course is compliant with EASA Commission Regulation (EC) No 1321/2014. This course provides theoretical ATA Spec 104, Level 3 knowledge for Electrical, Airframe and Powerplant systems and ATA Spec 104, Level 2 for Avionic systems. The course includes system description and operation, any unique maintenance practices, test procedures and noteworthy adjustments along with component location required by Part-66 certifying staff

Examinations are closed book multiple choice format with a passing grade of 75% and will be conducted throughout the course. Students will receive an EASA Part-147 Theoretical Certificate of Recognition upon successful completion of the course

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9 Days

Target Group
Part-66 Category B1 Engineers or other Maintenance staff

English. Student must have the ability to read, write and communicate at a functional level in the English language

Course Location
FPI Practical Training locations or customer site

Maintenance staff must have completed the theoretical training of the aircraft type

This EASA approved course is compliant with EASA Commission (EC) No 1321/2014. This course provides practical experiences and competencies to troubleshoot and perform maintenance tasks. Engineers will work with various aircraft manuals and other documentation to ensure the safe performance of maintenance, inspections and routine work. The Engineer will obtain the knowledge and skills required to perform the tasks correctly using special tools and/or equipment as required and will be knowledgeable in the correct use of technical literature and documentation

Practical assessment must be completed successfully as well as successful completion of the Practical Checklist as per requirements. Students will receive an EASA Part-147 Practical Certificate of Recognition upon successful completion of the course

PDFClick to download details of this course in PDF format


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